How Typing and Writing are useful?


Discussing about typing and writing, how it's used in our everyday life, how it's very benefit for us. We will be further discussing about both of them. 

I guess there will be very few people who don't write. As a kid writing on books, writing in tests, it has been a part of our everyday life now. 

A modern typing method

Background of writing: 
Looking at the background of writing, it was actually invented 3 times. Yes! 3 times. It had been invented independently in Near East, China and Mesoamerica in 3200 BC. 
Wondering how people communicated with each other when there was no concept of writing and speaking any language. Then I got to know that they drew images on rocks, walls which simply described what they are trying to say. 
A quill pen
Evolution of Writing: 
Writing evolved from proto-writing to cuneiform, which has long been regarded as the first form of true writing. For years, researchers largely agreed that because of the interaction between the two societies, writing spread from Mesopotamia to Egypt. Afterwards when communication further evolved everything became a lot easier than before. 
Proto-typing table example with meaning
What is writing? : 
Writing is a feeling, an art. It's an emotion between the words and the writer. The writer expresses his feeling through it. By using words, he describes what he feels. A poet is a very good example of a writer in my perspective. A poet uses such words in his poetry that are yet so simple and describe every feeling of him. No matter he is sad, happy, depressed, he still explains it very clearly and very nicely.  
A guy writing

Benefits of writing:

Now we shall discuss about some benefits of writing. The main and the most important reasons of writing are: 

  • it expands your vocabulary, that shows a great impact on your skills. 
  • it helps clearing your mind. Your mind gets cleared from unwanted thoughts. 
  • Improves your writing skills. It is clear that practice makes perfect. Similarly writing makes your writing skills perfect. 
  • Is an exercise for your brain. Keeps your brain healthy and prevents diseases like Alzheimer's or dementia. 
  • Keeps a track of what you're doing. 
  • Your creativity increases. We write, we learn, our knowledge increases and also, we become more creative. 
  • expressing your emotions and what you feel through words. 
  • communicating faster with each other, giving a person a chance to reflect its ideas, his thoughts, and expressing his personality. 
  • preparing for school and employment. Writing is necessary for a job, you must know how to write well in order to get a job. 
Examples of poets and writers: 
Also, we can see how poets and writers are very creative. Their creativity has increased a lot just by writing. How they imagine and then make the readers imagine that how they feel requires great skills. 
No one could ever believe that just by writing, you improve your skills to next level.  
Famous poets of history

Some famous English authors in history: 

Some of the famous English authors who we unfortunately lost are: 

  •      William Shakespeare 
  • Charles Dickens 
  • Janes Austen 
  • George Eliot 
And many more authors who have great importance in literature can be found too. 
  • Famous authors of history

Importance of writing: 
Coming to the importance of writing, it is an essential job skill. It is the primary bases upon which one’s work, learning and intellect will be judged. 

As a student you may ever had a thought that what is the purpose of writing, so the main purpose of writing is, written products are a primary means by which teachers measures student’s knowledge, understanding and progress. 

 Writing is the most powerful tool for learning. Also, the key elements of writing are preserving some special moments and inspiring and motivating others. 

Introduction to typewriting: 
Typewriting is similar as writing, but as the name suggests, we type it with the help of a typewriter. 

Writing and typing are different but they almost are used for same purpose.

 For communicating, expressing your thoughts, doing work etc. Indeed, typing is much faster than writing but we really can't compare both of them. 

An old typewriter
Background of typewriter: 
Typewriter was invented between 1801 and 1808 by an Italian guy named Pellegrino Turri. A very interesting fact about the invention of typewriter was that Pellegrino Turri invented it to help his blind friend. 

Evolution of typewriter: 
One of the early machines included a very common typewriter called Typographer”. It was invented by William Austin Burt in 1829. Although typographer was not a portable machine. It was a big, heavy machine used for typing. 

A Typographer

Benefits of typewriter: 

  • It can't check your spellings automatically. You have to check it manually. Is a benefit as it expands your vocabulary and reduces your chances of doing any spelling mistakes. 
  • It is much faster than writing, and increases your productivity. 
  • It produces louder noises that prevents you to going to sleep, however it can be annoying to some, and at the same time pleasing to other. 
  • Also, the manual typewriters are independent from electrical and digital networks. 

The best portable typewriter was names Hermes baby typewriter made in 1964 by Hermes Rocket. It’s so small that you can put it in your handbag, or backpack. 

Hermes Baby! So cute!

Some of the famous typewriter models in history are: 

  • Royal Quiet Deluxe 1950s 
  • Hermes Rocket 
  • Olympia SM 3&4 
  • Olympia SM7 

And many more which can be found too. 

Comparing writing and typewriting: 
Now comes the big question that should we write with our hands, or should we type on a device or anything else instead. 

 Typing gets everything done faster and on the other hand writing has some additional benefits like you recall that thing faster which you wrote, also writing encourages critical thinking. 
We can't compare both of them, as both have their own importance and way of doing certain tasks. 

My thoughts: 
I consider writing than typing as it has clearly more benefits, but it's still fine if you type. Both are fun at their own places. It's fun to write and fun to type.

 Just do the things you're having fun in.  We learn a lot by just writing. Well writing makes a huge difference while getting judged.

 As a conclusion I can say that writing is must for anyone. Everyone should get educated and should write. It’s better to write than not writing.

Ending this article with this quote:

Keep learning, the only way to keep growing..


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